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Duprod - Surgilab sas
Immeuble ARY Fronton
place du jeu de Paume
BP 44
64240 Hasparren
+33 (0)5 59 56 68 18
+33 (0)5 59 29 96 80
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Your e-mail address, as well as the rest of the personal data that you have provided us, are processed in our records to manage with you the content of communications, exchanges and all accompanying documents. This data and information are not communicated to third parties and is not used outside correspondence with you. You have the right to obtain confirmation from SURGILAB SAS. the processing of your data. We process your personal data and you therefore have the right to exercise your rights of access, rectification, limitation of treatment, portability, opposition to the processing and deletion of your data, as well as the right of submit to us a complaint by writing to the mail address SURGILAB SAS immeuble Ary – Fronton – BP 60044 - place du jeu de Paume 64240 HASPARREN - FRANCE and/or by sending an email to In both cases, it is imperative to attach a copy of your identity card to identify you. The information contained in the emails is confidential and addressed only to the recipient. If you are not the recipient, please indicate it to us so that we can make our arrangements and not to communicate the contents of the exchanges to thirds. We inform you that any use, disclosure, distribution and/or reproduction of communications without express authorization under current legislation is totally prohibited. Thank you